Good things to eat

This will fix you up!

Okay so I am bring back an old favorite, but this time of year I think you will need it!

Heading into the holiday season you want to be prepared!  And I don’t just mean by having all of your shopping done and your cookies baked!

I’m talking about your immune system!

All of that “merry making” and stress and eating and drinking too much and not getting enough sleep can really do you in!

Here is something I call the Three Appliance Beverage that will do wonders!

Yes it is a bit involved, but well worth it!

I also recommended that you pick yourself up some of the star ingredient Chyawanprash and to use it regularly even if not in the beverage!

Start working on your immune system NOW!

I have a friend going into hospital this week for a bit of surgery and I ALWAYS tell people to make sure you get yourself built up before any hospital visit!  Cause often what you can catch AT the hospital is way worse than what you are there for!!

Start topping yourself up on Probiotics and oil of oregano!

If you get yourself good and strong now, the holidays and the cold and flu season will be a breeze!

Turn this…….

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Into THIS!

Photo courtesy of “”

Comments on: "This will fix you up!" (2)

  1. Taste’s great.

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