Good things to eat


For years, I  worked in show business.  

First in live theatre as a Stage Manager and then I crossed over work in film and television and finally the music industry.

Oh the stories I can tell!  But as “fun” as all that was, the hours were long and it was very stressful.  One day I decided that I was sick and tired of being “sick and tired”!

I’d alway loved food.  I liked growing it, cooking it, knowing about it but who knew it could actually be good for you?  So what could I do that could wrap all these loves into one package?

I went back to school and got a degree in Holistic Nutrition, I was hooked and never looked back!

I left the hustle and bustle of big busy Toronto, Ontario CANADA and headed West to the “groovy” shores of Victoria, British Columbia.

Lorrie is an avid cook,  food enthusiast, a graduate of the Institute of Holistic Nutrition in Toronto and is a certified holistic nutritionist.  She lives in Victoria BC with her husband an Executive Chef.


UPDATE:   Well it seems that in the Summer of 2016 The Chef and I moved to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada because The Chef was offered and exciting new position that he just couldn’t refuse!  Edmonton is a great FOOD town, but the Winter weather is quite shocking compared to Victoria.  So I will have to keep you posted on how it all goes.



Comments on: "About" (14)

    • FANTASTIC!!! Thanks so much!! But now what do I do? How do I play? Do I go forward and nominate seven blogs? But then who am I nominating them to?

      • You need to write a blog where you thank your nominator, list 7 things about you that are “interesting” and then nominate 7 blogs that you like/follow. Then you need to tell them on their blog in the comments, like I did to you. Enjoy!! 🙂

  1. Sounds great! I’m in! Thanks again for the nomination!

  2. You have a very cool blog, I say! 😉 Now, you have a Belgian foodie fan!

  3. Marcella Rousseau said:

    I would like to nominate you for the Super Sweet Blogging Award. Check out my blog for further details and to accept the award. If you do not want the award, please let me know. Congratulations!

  4. love your blog and esp. the pix.. a fellow canadian.:)

  5. […] the bread puff up on the fire without any rising. Today’s post goes out to fellow blogger Lorrie who asked for a How […]

  6. Lori, I love your blog and would like to present you the Sunshine Award. Follow this link for more details.

  7. Hey,
    Congratulations, I have nominated you for the ‘Sunshine Award’
    Claim it here->

    Keep up the blogging,
    Good Luck

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